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Lord Denning

Lord Denning is an individual I have most admired over the years. To say this son of a drapery maker became an attorney of note would be an understatement. He began a passionate, lifelong pursuit to understand the spirit of the law, one that has garnered wide respect. Many consider him the greatest legal mind of the 20th Century.

His legacy is multi-faceted; he took on the task of making more tangible and realistic the abstract concept of justice by demonstrating what it was all about. His passion for the particulars behind the most basic assumptions of fairness led him to consider the spiritual aspects of truth-seeking as well.

Upon his retirement as UK's Master of the Rolls, Denning ended his speech with, 'I wish I could say, as a great man did once, I fought a good fight; I finished the course; I have kept the faith." Indeed he can, and certainly ought to say it.

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